Reclaiming Your Divine Femininity
Welcome to The Reclaiming your Femininity Course, I’m so thrilled to have you. Take the time to not just watch, but also implement. The things that will help you go furthest is taking your time with each module. Make sure to have your sister journal with you. Stay focused.
Share your progress with us in the Facebook group, and tag us on Instagram @Leyanneoliveira, using the hashtag #Reclaimingyourdivinefemininity. I’ll be looking out for you to cheer you on, as you embark on your journey of reclaiming your power!
want to know more?
Get to know Leyanne and her story, and get an understanding what to expect in the course
divine femininity and what it means
Understand why it’s important and what role it plays in your life.
You’ll self-identify where you have placed your energy throughout your life in order to regain it.
You will understand what your true nature is and how to unleash her.
womens history and the ties it has with the divine femininity today
You will learn where we currently are in the evolution of the women and the feminine energy.
You will also learn about the critical place we are in today that is filled with opportunity.
reconnecting with the divine feminine part one
You will learn how to reconnect with the Divine Feminine.
Here I will give you the most effective steps on your reconnection journey
reconnecting with the divine feminine part two
You will learn the tools that you can begin to use during the implementation of the practices listed in module 3
rebuilding the relationship with your gift and trusting it your intuition
We will discuss the importance of your intuition and wisdom your heart center has.
your vision and whats next
Now that we have gained awareness on this undeniable force of energy that is moving and flowing moving us towards growth and elevation, what is next?
Here you will learn more about vision and creating a clear vision to hold on to throughout the journey of reconnection.
Most people don’t even make it to this point. Most people kind of float through life hoping that the right thing will come to this. But if you don’t make a plan for your own life, someone else will.
You are now aware of this powerful energy that is available to you. Now, remember your vision, believe that you can do it, and show up for yourself.